Friday, January 11, 2013

Musical Language

“The beauty of music has the ability to speak where words fail.”    -Robert Gupta

Music is my love. I had my first guitar lesson today. My fingers hurt as I type this. It is a good pain because it shows my dedication, and desire. It is a bad pain because it prevents me from being able to speak through my guitar as much as I would like. It is a teacher. It is a reminder that everything does not come easily, and many things require a sacrifice. 
My lesson was frustratingly beautiful and complex. I watched as my body held tension, and stumbled across the strings. I listened to the sounds of my teacher, what I heard coming from her heart and head through her guitar, body, and voice. I listened to what I heard coming from my heart and head through my guitar, body, and voice. She was in the flow... I was not. Through her sacrifice she has found a flawless connection of all those elements. I see and feel this connection so clearly, I know it is inside of me, and know that it will come in due time. 
As I played the chords and sang, I said, "ooppss," when I would slip up. Then I took a break, a forced break. I took some deep breaths, centered, and knew that I could play and sing what I had learned. Then I told my teacher I was ready, and played the song the best I had yet! She asked me what I felt that made me be able to do that? It was PASSION.
Words fail me often in this life. There are so many times when I feel my vocabulary and understanding of the English language is not enough. On numerous occasions I have stumbled across my words, or exhausted my resources when sharing with another. Music does not fail me. There is a song in my heart that is indescribable with words, and it comes out through my senses as I play music. I have only scratched the surface of what I am capable of, my musical expression... but I will not stop... I will sing until my last breath is taken... Practice, devote myself so that I can express to you what words cannot.

Nicole :) 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

You Are Already Naked

-What I Intend To Remember This Year-
Thanks To The Legendary Steve Jobs 

HAVE COURAGE TO FOLLOW YOUR HEART AND INTUITION. They somehow already know what you want to become. Everything else is secondary.

You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

Don't let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice.

Remembering you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.
 If today were the last day of my life would I want to do what I am about to do today?

Stay hungry. Stay foolish.
My year continues to be filled with inspiration. Knowledge flooding in. Conversations full and rewarding. Opposition always present. Thoughts turned to actions. The people around me are driven and beautiful. For this I am most grateful. I am vulnerable but willing to share and express that, and lucky to be able to do so with a lovely new soul in my life. I read a sweet post today that I really appreciated and connected with. The post read, "Vulnerability is the new beautiful." I feel to be vulnerable means that you might get hurt, or feel pain emotionally and/or physically... I believe vulnerability makes one more humble. Humility is something I hope to be more of in each moment. I definitely agree with that post and see how that makes one more beautiful. What if all people were willing to be just a little more vulnerable? Expressing full thoughts, emotions, feelings with courage. Not having fear of fear? In the end we are who we are and it is a beautiful thing. It becomes even more beautiful when someone can see that You and You can see them... when the vulnerability can be expressed and looked at as beautiful.
Nicole :) 


Monday, January 7, 2013

Flawless Equilibrium

Flawless Equilibrium
Inexhaustible Joy
Perfectly Poised
Unwavering Faith
Opposing Dualities
Infinite Spirit
Inherent Being
Primordial Poet
Beyond Darkness
Vital Breath
Enduring Discipline
Ephemeral Realm
Unmanifest Existence
Singular Devotion
Pure Beginning
Deepest Mystery
Supreme Purifier
Universal Presence
Holy Syllable
Unchanging Seed
Celestial Sphere
Sacred Duty
Eternal Peace
Highest Way
Unwavering Discipline
Dwelling Compassionately
Dispel Darkness
Sublime Purifier
Manifest Nature
Immortal Speech
Celestial Musicians
Cosmic Serpent
Purifying Wind
Indestructible Time
Feminine Powers
 Immutable Greatness
Divine Eye
Wondrous Vision
Boundless Divinity
Divine Perfume
Lotus Throne
Measureless Presence
Supreme Eternity
Deepest Treasure
Immutable Guardian
Original Creator
Limitless Force
Lucidity Prevails
Aerial Roots
Unwavering Devotion
Enveloping All
Timeless Essence
Bodily Penance
Verbal Penance
Mental Penance
Lucid Knowledge
Distinct Existences
Purified Understanding
Observing Solitude
Beyond Change
Doubt Dispelled
Wondrous Dialogue
-The Bhagavad Gita- 
JSK Nicole :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Space To Share

I just want to write... a non Facebook space to share whatever I want. So here I am. I know that some will love what I have to say and some might even hate. Neither matter. This is actually one of the most important lessons I learned in life, and it came to me while meeting with an enlightened and beautiful woman named Vanessa Stone. We were in a small little cottage in Mill Valley California with a 360 degree view of nature blessing our sight. Vanessa told me that in her life there are thousands of people who hear her speak, some want to throw roses at her feet and some stones, she accepts neither. All I can do is live MY TRUTH with GRACE. My truth is different than yours, and that is ok. The grace part is important though because you can "live your truth" and be a dick or live it gracefully. I choose grace. I do my best, though I am far from perfect. What is perfect? God in my eyes. All that happens in my life is through God's Grace. I am grateful that I am able to recognize this. TRUTH on my left index finger and GRACE on the right. Every time I "namaste" at the end of yoga, whenever I see my fingers, when others see my fingers I am reminded of these most important teachings and beliefs. Anytime someone asks to see them or what they mean, the teaching is passed on. Thank you Vanessa. I look forward to sharing my thoughts here, my everything, anything, whatever... Life is short. Be bold, be honest, feel what you feel, share your love unconditionally... even with the fear of heart ache, break.. Fear, it's a story. A story we each know all too well though. We are the main character of the story as well as the author... Each day we conquer our fears and hopefully live our dreams... one breath at a time.  
God's plan is perfect as is He.
JSK Nicole :)
 Vanessa Stone

These Two Guys

Need I say more?
